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Social Media & Facebook Marketing

Social Media Marketing should be a necessary component of your overall marketing plan and a must-do in today’s world of digital presence. Some business owners have a natural knack for social media. They feel comfortable on camera and have a regular presence on social media. For other’s, it can be another tedious task and they prefer to hire out for it. In this resource guide, we will discuss some of the best practices for social media. 

Social media is a great tool to use for a variety of industries. It allows you to support your digital presence where clients and customers spend a lot of time. Over 60% of the world’s population is on social media daily with roughly 82% of the US population on social media. Since social media’s start, we have seen these statistics increase. For example in 2008, only 10% of the US population was on social media. 

It may come as no surprise that social media is a necessity to reach today’s consumer. So you may be asking yourself, where do I start if I am a new business owner? Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms for users and one of the most popular advertising platforms for businesses. The total number of Facebook users in 2022 is just under 3 billion with nearly 2 billion users logging into Facebook daily. 

When marketing on Facebook, it is recommended that you post at least 3 posts per week. However, consider quality over quantity here. You want to strive for engaging and informative posts. The algorithm favors engagement, therefore you must interact with the social aspect of social media. The intention of your business page is to not post and walk away but rather you should be frequently engaging within your community and clientele. 

When it comes to posting on Facebook, you’ll want to opt for high-quality images or video. Recent statistics say that posts with images receive over 2.3x the engagement of posts without. Don’t forget to check out the insights tab on your business profile to analyze which posts perform better overall. This helps influence your marketing decisions and tailor your messaging to better convert clients. 

It’s also important to optimize your Facebook page. You’ll want your profile picture and cover photo to match your current branding or the logos/images you are using on your current website. Having a cohesive look to your company’s digital presence helps with brand awareness so people can recognize you better. While you are updating your photos, you will also want to optimize your “about us” section. This is often the first thing facebook users will see and read about you. You’ll want it to be a direct reflection of who your company is and what you do. 




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